a person who is ignorant or not well informed (colloquially known as sua ku)
a person who is ignorant or not well informed (colloquially known as sua ku)
- 对没有见过世面的乡巴佬,或住在偏远地区的人的鄙称。
- 形容一个人愚昧无知,是井底之蛙。
Noun , Adjective
- A derogatory term for a country bumpkin who has not seen the world, or someone who lives in a remote area.
- To describe a person who is ignorant, like a frog in the well.
- 源自福建话 “山龟”(sua ku)。
- 原指生活在山上,很少到平原地区的乡下人,后来引申出无知愚昧的人的意思,指他如井底之蛙。
- 该词早在 80 年代的《联合早报》中便已出现。当时报刊的漫画专栏里有一副题为《山龟人》的漫画。
- The term originated from the Hokkien term suaku (literally mountain tortoise).
- The term originally referred to a rural person who lived in the mountains and seldom visited the flatland, and was later extended to refer to an ignorant and foolish person who is like a frog in the well.
- Since the 1980s, the term has appeared in Lianhe Zaobao. The newspaper's comics column at the time included a cartoon named “山龟人” (literally A suaku person).
一眼就看出来:比如,大清早就穿着胸口钉上闪亮珠片的蕾丝短袖上衣去巴刹买菜的。比如,以为只要纹眉、饰甲、染发、隆胸整套做齐就能追上时代的。比如,手机铃声响起来传遍三个车厢的。比如,忘记手机其实是靠人造卫星系统传讯而不是光靠一把喉咙来喊的。这些都是一眼就能认出的 “山龟”。(《联合早报》,4/6/2012)
One can spot a suaku person at a glance. For example, those who go grocery shopping early in the morning, dressed in a lacy short-sleeved blouse with glittering beads at the chest; those who think they can keep up with the times by getting their eyebrows tattooed, nails done, hair dyed, and breasts augmented; those who let their mobile phones ring at maximum volume; and those who forget that mobile phones communicate via satellite systems and not through shouting at the top of their lungs. (Lianhe Zaobao, 4/6/2012)
- 2017 年群众大会的英语演讲上,现任总理李显龙用了 “山龟” 一词,说明中国的电子支付系统已经非常普及,而新加坡还需要更加推进电子支付,以达到成为智慧国的计划。
- In his English speech at the National Day Rally in 2017, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong used the term suaku to illustrate the extensiveness of China's e-payment system, and that Singapore must further promote e-payments to become a Smart Nation.