Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.


Orchard Road




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Orchard Road

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新加坡著名的旅游景点及购物街,位于新加坡中部,东北衔接纽顿(Newton),西邻东陵(Tanglin),南达里峇峇利(River Valley)。



A famous tourist attraction and shopping street located in central Singapore, bounded by Newton to the northeast, Tanglin to the west, and River Valley to the south.

  • 英语 “Orchard Road” 的音译兼意译。
  • “乌节” 为福建话和潮州话对 “Orchard” 的音译,而 “Orchard” 在英语指果园。在 19 世纪之前,乌节路一带为种植园, 种植热带水果、甘密、胡椒和豆蔻,该路段因此而得名。
  • 乌节路地段已有将近 200 年的历史。最初乌节路一带除了有种植园,还建有宗教场所、学校、住宅和墓地。
  • 19世纪时期,乌节路曾是至少四个不同社群,即犹太人、回教徒、潮州人及明古莲马来人(Bencoolen Malays)的墓地。潮州人的泰山亭墓地曾经就位于乌节路义安城一带,是本地潮籍华人最早的坟山之一。1950 年代因政府征用土地,该路段上的两万多个坟墓被清除。
  • 如今,乌节路已成为了外国旅客流连忘返的商业大街。在 2012 年,法国客户调查机构 Presence 把乌节路列为全球商业街之首,第二和第三名分别是卢森堡(Luxembourg)和阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)。
  • The Mandarin term “乌节路” is a combination of the transliteration and a paraphrase of the English term “Orchard Road”.
  •  “乌节” is the Hokkien and Teochew transliteration of “Orchard”. “Orchard” refers to “fruit plantation” in English. Prior to the 19th century, the Orchard Road area housed plantations that grew tropical fruits, gambier, pepper, and nutmeg, hence the area was named as such.
  • The Orchard Road area has almost 200 years of history. Apart from plantations, initially there were also places of worship, schools, houses, and cemeteries in the area.
  • In the 19th century, Orchard Road was once the burial ground for at least four different communities, namely the Jews, Muslims, Teochews, and Bencoolen Malays. The Teochew cemetery Tie Swah Ting was located around Ngee Ann City along Orchard Road and was one of the earliest burial grounds for the local Teochew community. In the 1950s, more than 20,000 graves were exhumed from that stretch of road due to land acquisition by the government.
  • Orchard Road has now become a major shopping street that is memorable for foreign tourists. In 2012, the French marketing research group Presence ranked Orchard Road as the top shopping street in the world, with Luxembourg and Amsterdam in second and third places, respectively.


圣诞节前夕,在细雨纷纷的乌节路上,仍有许多人在做最后一分钟的采购。(《联合早报》, 25/12/2020)
On Christmas Eve, there were still many people making last-minute purchases along Orchard Road despite the drizzly weather. (Lianhe Zaobao, 25/12/2020)

  • 乌节路一带的马路名称,如史各士路(Scotts Road),卡佩芝路(Cuppage Road),欧思礼路(Oxley Road)和布连拾路(Prinsep Road)等都是以之前园主的名字命名的。
  • 除了园主的名字,有的地名也与旧时该地区种植的农作物有关,如 “Nutmeg Road” (豆蔻路)和 “Jalan Lada Puteh”(白胡椒路)。


  • The road names in the Orchard Road area, such as Scotts Road, Cuppage Road, Oxley Road, and Prinsep Road, are named after former plantation owners.
  • In addition to the names of the plantation owners, some of the place names are associated with the crops grown in the area in the past, such as Nutmeg Road and Jalan Lada Puteh (white pepper road).

