Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.




State Courts



Legal / Politics

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State Courts

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Legal / Politics



国家法院前名为初级法院 (Subordinate Courts) 。国家法院权限小于最高法院 (Supreme Court) ,主要处理判刑少于10年的刑事案件、不超过$250,000索赔的民事诉讼、不超过 $500,000索赔的交通事故和涉及人身伤亡的工业事故。



The State Courts were previously known as the Subordinate Courts. Their jurisdiction is below that of the Supreme Court. They mainly try criminal cases with a maximum jail term not exceeding 10 years, civil cases with claims not exceeding $250,000, road traffic accidents with claims of up to $500,000, and workplace accidents involving injury or death.

  • 新加坡法院制度分为新加坡最高法院(Supreme Court)和国家法院(State Courts)。
  • 国家法院包括几个法院,为地庭(District Courts)、推事庭(Magistrates’ Court)、小额索偿庭(Small Claims Tribunal)、邻里纠纷仲裁庭 (Community Dispute Resolution Tribunal) 、验尸庭(Coroner’s Court)和雇员索偿庭 (Employment Claims Tribunal)。地庭审理金额不超过$250,000的案件;推事庭审理金额不超过$60,000的案件;小额索偿庭处理金额不超过$10,000的案件(若双方同意,不超过$20,000索赔案件);;邻里纠纷仲裁庭调解及审理严重的邻里纠纷;验尸庭负责展开死因聆讯,推断出致死原因;雇员索偿庭处理索偿额不超过$30,000的雇佣纠纷。
  • 1972年,政府有意建初级法院大厦,目的是想将全部的法庭集中在同一个地点。
  • 1975年,初级法院大厦完工。同年,初级法院开始陆续迁入位于合乐广场 (Havelock Square) 的八角形大厦。
  • 1997年,初级法院的徽章正式面世。徽章里有三个人物,中间树立着正义女神 (Lady of Justice),左边为一个求情的人,右边为一个感恩获得司法正义的人。
  • 2014年,初级法院更名为国家法院,原本使用的徽章也有所更改。新徽章左边为国家法院大厦的素描,两栋楼(法庭和行政楼)由一座桥作为连接。同年,政府开工建设新大厦,新大厦就位于八角形大厦对面。
  • 2019年,国家法院迁入新大厦。
  • Singapore's judicial system is made up of the Supreme Court and the State Courts.
  • The State Courts comprise various courts, namely the District Courts, Magistrate Courts, Small Claims Tribunal, Community Dispute Resolution Tribunal, Coroner’s Court and Employment Claims Tribunal. The District Courts try cases for claims not exceeding $250,000, the Magistrate Courts try cases for claims not exceeding $60,000, while the Small Claims Tribunal handles cases for claims not exceeding $10,000 (or with agreement from the parties involved, for claims not exceeding $20,000). The Community Dispute Resolution Tribunal mediates and hears cases involving serious disputes among neighbours. The Coroner’s Court holds enquiries to determine the cause of death. The Employment Claims Tribunal handles employment disputes for claims not exceeding $30,000.
  • In 1972, the Government decided to build the Subordinate Courts Building to centralise all the courts in the same location.
  • In 1975, after the completion of the Subordinate Courts Building, the Subordinate Courts began their move into the iconic octagonal-shaped building located at Havelock Square.
  • In 1997, the logo of the Subordinate Courts was unveiled. It featured three figures, with the Lady of Justice standing in the middle, a person begging for mercy on her left, and a figure showing gratitude for justice received on the other side.
  • In 2014, the Subordinate Courts was renamed the State Courts, and a new logo was unveiled to replace the existing one. The State Courts logo features an emblematic illustration of the new State Courts complex, consisting of two coloured tower blocks representing the courtroom tower and the administrative tower, connected by a stylised bridge. In the same year, construction began on the new complex. The new building is situated across from the existing octagonal complex.
  • In 2019, the State Courts moved into the new complex.
The State Courts has undergone significant changes in both judiciary processes and physical infrastructure. (Lianhe Zaobao, 14/12/2019)