

新年祝语 / Chinese New Year Greetings

学业与工作 / Studies and Career

  1. 学业有成:学业有成就 / To succeed in studies
  2. 锦绣前程:形容前途十分美好 / Describes a good future
  3. 步步高升:形容地位提高得快而顺利 / Smooth and fast rise to eminence
  4. 升官发财:所谓提升了官职,就能获得更多的物质财富 / To get promotion and have more wealth
  5. 平步青云:比喻社会地位陡然大幅度上升 / To have a quick and successful promotion

家庭 / Family

  1. 阖家安康:全家平安和健康 / Wishing the family safe and healthy
  2. 金玉满堂:形容财富极多,也形容学识丰富 / Describes rich in wealth and knowledge
  3. 年年有余:每年都有多余的财富及食粮 / To have excess wealth and food every year
  4. 岁岁平安:每年都能够平安幸福好运 / May there be peace all year round
  5. 五福临门:五福指 - 长寿、富贵、康宁、好德、善终 / To have five blessings - longevity, wealth, health, kindness and peace

其他 / Others

交通工具 / Public Transport

电子产品 / Electronic Products