Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman


Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman 2023


The Arif Budiman Malay Language Teachers' Award or AGAB is organised by the Malay Language Council, Singapore (MBMS), Malay Language Teachers Association (PGBM), Berita Harian (BH) and the Malay Language Learning and Promotion Committee (MLLPC).

This award aims to recognise excellent Malay Language teachers in mainstream schools, who are exemplary in promoting and improving the use of the language, through teaching and learning. Nominees are evaluated based on their ability to instil the love for knowledge, skills and interest in the learning of the Malay language, Malay literature and Malay culture among students.


AGAB 2022

Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman 2022


AGAB 2021

Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman 2021


Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman 2020


Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman 2019


Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman 2018


Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman 2017

 Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman 2017

Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman 2016

Anugerah Guru Arif Budiman 2016