Newsletters 2014


Speak Good English Newsletter: September 2014

Newsletter September 2014

In writing, punctuation is just as important as spelling and grammar in order to write clear and well-structured sentences.

Without punctuation or when used incorrectly, the writer can unknowingly and unintentionally change the intended meaning of a sentence.

Speak Good English Newsletter: August 2014

Newsletter August 2014

The phrase "Uniquely Singapore", coined by the Singapore Tourism Board, couldn’t be more accurate description of the language we have created. We have come up with our own grammar rules and syntax that have turned the usual grammatical sentences into unique-sounding ones that do get our intended message across, and sometimes more efficiently too.

Speak Good English Newsletter: July 2014

Newsletter July 2014

It's National Pecan Pie Day on 12 July!

Pecan pie may not be commonly found in Singapore but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate the day with other types of pies (kuey pie tee included).

In honour of this delicious slice of happiness, we've put together a list of phrases that have pie in them.

So brew a cup of tea, enjoy your sweet treat and nibble on these bite-sized pieces of English tibits.

Speak Good English Newsletter: June 2014

Newsletter June 2014

With Queen Kumar's help, you’ll be able to banish common grammar errors that we as Singaporeans tend to make. (We sheepishly admit that the team at the Speak Good English Movement sometimes make these mistakes too.)

Speak Good English Newsletter: May 2014

Newsletter May 2014

We hope you enjoyed the Labour Day holiday!

After honouring the achievements of workers around the world, it's about time we address the plight of grammar, a victim in the office.

While there is no easy fix to improving grammar, it would help if we are aware of the common mistakes made, and consciously try to correct ourselves.

Here are a few common grammar gaffes to avoid in our daily office communications.

Speak Good English Newsletter April 2014

Newsletter April 2014

The funniest month of the year is here! 

Seize the opportunity to have a few good laughs with your friends. Inspired by April Fools' Day, here are four phrases to kick off the month with jokes and pranks - all in good fun. Let's see who will have the last laugh.

Speak Good English Newsletter: March 2014

Newsletter March 2014

Celebrated annually on 8 March, the international Women’s Day celebrate women’s achievements throughout history and across nations, in honour of the women who have inspired, paved the way and given hope to so many of us, we rounded up idioms and proverbs that express a woman’s grace, beauty, charm and intelligence.

Let the women in your lives, feel special, unique and on top of the world by using some of these idioms and proverbs!

Speak Good English Newsletter February 2014

Newsletter February 2014

With all the flowers, heart shapes and romantic songs everywhere, it's no surprise that Valentine's Day is here!

Celebrate this lovey-dovey occasion with some grammar tips and idioms that are all about this little thing called love.

Speak Good English Newsletter: January 2014

Newsletter January 2014

Quit horsing around and gallop into good English this Lunar New Year!

It's always good to start the year off on the right foot and the Chinese have plenty of traditions, customs and advice on how to do so!

We've picked out just four of these traditions and sneaked in a little English tip into each so that you’d have a fantastic time of festivities as well as a mini-feast of good English this Lunar New Year.