Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC)

Communities / Organisations
Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC)
Photo courtesy of Chinese Development Assistance Council

Communities / Organisations
Non-profit organisation that provides assistance to the less privileged within the Chinese community.
- 在1992年以前,马来族与印度族在有需要的时候,分别可以向回教社会发展理事会(Yayasan MENDAKI)和新加坡印度人发展协会(Singapore Indian Development Association)寻求援助,华族民众却没有一个具代表性的自助团体。
- 1992年,新加坡中华总商会(Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry)和新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会(Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations,简称“宗乡总会”)联合发起华族自助理事会(简称“华助会”)。
- 华助会旨在帮助较弱势的华族群体,尤其是在教育与经济方面提供援助。通过各种项目、自助计划与互助计划,华助会帮助这些较弱势的群体发挥他们的潜力和突破社会流动性的障碍。这些项目包括学生培育、家长教育、家庭支援及鼓励乐龄人士参加义工和康乐活动。
- Before 1992, while Malays and Indians in Singapore could seek assistance from Yayasan MENDAKI and the Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA), respectively, the Chinese did not have a prominent self-help group catering to their needs.
- In 1992, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) and the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) jointly set up the Singapore Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC).
- CDAC aims to provide assistance to the less privileged in the Chinese community, especially through providing education and financial support. Through various projects, programmes and assistance schemes, CDAC helps the less privileged to realise their potential and achieve greater social mobility. These programmes include student development, parent education, family support, and activities for senior citizens such as volunteer and recreational programmes.
为更全面及更深入地帮助弱势家庭,华社自助理事会将调整援助策略,包括为需要额外帮助的特定学生与家长提供全方位的多种援助。(《联合晚报》, 3/12/2018)
To broaden and deepen support for disadvantaged families, the Chinese Development Assistance Council will refine its support strategies, which include providing a wide range of assistance to students and parents who need additional help. (Lianhe Wanbao, 3/12/2018)