Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Government-Linked Companies (GLC)

Communities / Organisations
Government-Linked Companies (GLC)

Communities / Organisations
Companies in which the government hold shares.
- 1960年代末,为了推动各个领域,尤其是制造业、金融业、贸易、交通业、造船业和服务业的发展和弥补私人企业在资金与人才方面的不足,新加坡政府设立了政联公司与法定机构(statutory boards)。
- 1974年,财政部(Ministry of Finance)成立了控股公司——淡马锡控股(Temasek Holdings),管理政联公司的投资。
- 虽然政府通过淡马锡控股间接持有政联公司的股权,但政联公司不属于国营企业,没有政府特权。其运作模式类似私人企业,以市场竞争和商业活动为主。
- 1980年代与1990年代,一些法定机构进行了重组,成为了政联公司,包括新加坡电信局(Telecommunications Authority of Singapore)于1992年改为新加坡电信(Singapore Telecommunications),公用事业局(Public Utilities Board, PUB)于1995年将所掌管的电力和煤气供应权转交给新加坡能源集团(Singapore Power)经营(公用事业局仍属法定机构)和新加坡港务管理局(Port of Singapore Authority)于1997年改为新加坡港务集团(PSA Corporation)。
- In the late 1960s, the Singapore government set up government-linked companies (GLCs) and established statutory boards to support the development of various industries, especially the manufacturing, banking and finance, trading, transport, shipbuilding and service sectors. This was also to help private enterprises make up for the shortage of funds and talents.
- In 1974, the Ministry of Finance established a holding company – Temasek Holdings to manage the GLC investments.
- Although the Government holds shares indirectly in GLCs through Temasek Holdings, they are not government-controlled enterprises, and do not possess special government privileges. The companies function as private entities and operate on market competitiveness and economic activities.
- In the 1980s and 1990s, some statutory boards restructured and became GLCs. For example, the Telecommunications Authority of Singapore became Singapore Telecommunications in 1992, the Public Utilities Board (PUB) transferred its power and gas supply rights to Singapore Powers in 1995 (the PUB remained as a statutory board) , and the Port Authority of Singapore (PSA) became the PSA Corporation in 1997.
GLCs played an important role as a driving force for our country’s stock market in the past 40 years. The country's stock market index achieved a return rate of 8% compound annual growth rate, while GLCs achieved a return rate of 10.8% in the same period. (Lianhe Zaobao, 28/7/2015)