Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.




heritage trail




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heritage trail

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A designated route with historical sites to explore and understand the history, culture, architecture, and flora and fauna of a certain area.

  • 英语“heritage trail”的意译。
  •  1999年,国家文物局(National Heritage Board)开始在全岛各处设置历史走道,目的是希望通过易于理解且引人入胜的方式,提高人们对新加坡文化遗产的认识。
  • 为了丰富历史走道的内容,国家文物局在2006年与社区、学校和私营部门一起重新规划历史走道,融入了他们各自的故事和历史记忆。
  • The Mandarin term “历史走道” is a paraphrase of the English term “heritage trail”.
  • In 1999, the National Heritage Board (NHB) began setting up heritage trails across the island, aiming to raise awareness of Singapore’s cultural heritage in a accessible and engaging manner.
  • In 2006, to enhance the content of the heritage trails, the NHB refreshed the heritage trails in conjunction with communities, schools, and the private sector, incorporating their personal stories and historical memories.
Tay Mei Ling, manager of Education & Community Outreach at National Heritage Board, said that the involvement of seniors and younger residents in the heritage trails would strengthen their sense of belonging and the community’s cohesiveness. (Lianhe Zaobao, 26/5/2013)

  • 至今,国家文物局已完成了以下 22 条历史走道的规划工作:
  1. 武吉知马历史走道(Bukit Timah Heritage Trail)
  2. 义顺三巴旺历史走道(Yishun-Sembawang Heritage Trail)
  3. 宏茂桥历史走道(Ang Mo Kio Heritage Trail)
  4. 马里士他历史走道(Balestier Heritage Trail)
  5. 惹兰勿刹历史走道(Jalan Besar Heritage Trail)
  6. 甘榜格南历史走道(Kampong Glam Heritage Trail)
  7. 第二次世界大战历史走道(World War II Heritage Trail)
  8. 中峇鲁历史走道(Tiong Bahru Heritage Trail)
  9. 女皇镇历史走道(Queenstown Heritage Trail)
  10. 坚韧路径(Resilience Trails)
  11. 大巴窑历史走道(Toa Payoh Heritage Trail)
  12. 裕廊历史走道(Jurong Heritage Trail)
  13. 新加坡河历史走道(Singapore River Walk)
  14. 金禧之行(Jubilee Walk)
  15. 勿洛历史走道(Bedok Heritage Trail)
  16. 小印度历史走道(Little India Heritage Trail)
  17. 淡滨尼历史走道(Tampines Heritage Trail)
  18. 乌节历史走道(Orchard Heritage Trail)
  19. 巴西立/白沙历史走道(Pasir Ris Heritage Trail)
  20. 后港历史走道(Hougang Heritage Trail)
  21. 三巴旺历史走道(Sembawang Heritage Trail)
  22. 圣淘沙历史走道(Sentosa Heritage Trail)
  23. 兀兰历史走道 (Woodlands Heritage Trail)
  24. 樟宜历史走道 (Changi Heritage Trail)
  • 为了鼓励更多学校整理和展示校史,文物局于 2017 年出版了两本手册——《开设文化遗产角落指南》(Developing Heritage Corners - A Guide)和《历史走道-行动的实用指南》(Heritage Trails - A Practical Guide to Action),并分发至本地学校,教导他们如何在学校设立文化遗产角落或打造历史走道。


  • To date, NHB has completed the planning of the following 22 heritage trails:
  1. Bukit Timah Heritage Trail
  2. Yishun-Sembawang Heritage Trail
  3. Ang Mo Kio Heritage Trail
  4. Balestier Heritage Trail
  5. Jalan Besar Heritage Trail
  6. Kampong Glam Heritage Trail
  7. World War II Heritage Trail
  8. Tiong Bahru Heritage Trail
  9. Queenstown Heritage Trail
  10. Resilience Trails
  11. Toa Payoh Heritage Trail
  12. Jurong Heritage Trail
  13. Singapore River Walk
  14. Jubilee Walk
  15. Bedok Heritage Trail
  16. Little India Heritage Trail
  17. Tampines Heritage Trail
  18. Orchard Heritage Trail
  19. Pasir Ris Heritage Trail
  20. Hougang Heritage Trail
  21. Sembawang Heritage Trail
  22. Sentosa Heritage Trail
  23. Woodlands Heritage Trail
  24. Changi Heritage Trail
  • To encourage more schools to document and exhibit their heritage, NHB published two handbooks in 2017, namely, Developing Heritage Corners - A Guide and Heritage Trails - A Practical Guide to Action, for distribution to local schools to guide them on setting up heritage corners or heritage trails within their compounds.
