Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.




Lease Buyback Scheme



Legal / Politics

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Lease Buyback Scheme

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Legal / Politics






A scheme where part of the lease of HDB flats can be sold to the Government, to better help low-income elderly homeowners obtain a stable source of funds for their daily lives.

  • 建屋发展局(Housing and Development Board,简称建屋局)于 2009 年 3 月 1 日推出屋契回购计划。
  • 该计划是为了帮助新加坡人解决通货膨胀,生活费不断上涨的问题。其主要目的在于帮助低收入年长屋主在晚年可获得稳定的生活费用。
  • 政府组屋的屋契年限为 99 年,一般人都不会住满这 99 年。参与此计划的年长屋主可将剩余部分屋契出售给建屋局,为自己保留一个较短的屋契。屋主可依据自身的年龄,灵活选择保留 15 至 35 年的屋契期限。
  • 出售部分屋契后,年长屋主必须用所得的收益来填补他们的公积金退休户头(CPF Retirement Account),过后将公积金退休户头里的余额加入公积金终身入息计划(CPF LIFE plan),从中他们每月会获取一定的金额。参与该计划的人士还能获取高达新币 30,000 元的现金花红。
  • 尽管如此,参与此计划的人士不能在公开市场上转让屋契、出售组屋或出租整间组屋。
  • 欲加入屋契回购计划,须符合以下条件:
  1. 所有屋主必须 65 岁及以上;
  2. 至少一名屋主是新加坡公民;
  3. 每月家庭收入为新币 14,000 元或以下;
  4. 屋主不能同时拥有第二个房地产;
  5. 所有屋主至少在组屋单位住了五年;
  6. 至少有 20 年屋契可卖给建屋局。
  • 屋契回购计划原只限于三房式或更小的房型。2015 年,当局放宽了限制,将上限提高至四房式组屋。2019 年,上限再一次放宽,扩大至所有的房型。
  • On 1 March 2009, the Housing and Development Board (HDB) launched the Lease Buyback Scheme.
  • The scheme aims to help Singaporeans deal with inflation and the rising cost of living. Its main objective is to give low-income elderly homeowners a stable source of funds for their living expenses in their later years.
  • HDB flats are on 99-year leasehold and most people will not live in them for the full 99 years. Elderly homeowners participating in this scheme can sell a remaining part of the lease to the HDB and retain a shorter lease under their ownership. Homeowners have the flexibility of choosing a remaining lease between 15 to 35 years based on their age.
  • After selling part of their lease, the elderly homeowners must use the proceeds to top up their Central Provident Fund Retirement Account (CPF RA) and add the balance in their CPF RA to the CPF LIFE plan, from which they will receive a certain amount per month. Participants of the scheme can also receive a cash bonus of up to S$30,000.
  • Nevertheless, participants of this scheme cannot transfer the lease, sell the flat, or rent out the entire flat in the open market.
  • The following conditions must be met for applicants of the Lease Buyback Scheme:
  1. All owners must be 65 years old and above;
  2. At least one owner must be a Singapore Citizen;
  3. The gross monthly household income must be S$14,000 or less;
  4. The owners cannot concurrently own a second property;
  5. All owners must have been living in the flat for at least five years;
  6. There must be at least 20 years of lease remaining to sell to HDB.
  • The Lease Buyback Scheme was originally limited to 3-Room or smaller flats. In 2015, HDB relaxed the restriction, raising the upper limit to 4-Room flats. In 2019, the upper limit was further relaxed and the scheme was extended to all flat types.
本届国会保证当选反对党议员和非选区议员总共不少于 12 席。(《联合早报》,15/7/2020)
The Government launched the Lease Buyback Scheme in March 2019, allowing elderly homeowners of HDB flats to sell part of their lease to HDB, with the number of years of the lease to be retained to be based on the age of the youngest homeowner. (Lianhe Zaobao, 1/1/2019)