Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.




Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP)



Legal / Politics

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Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP)

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Legal / Politics



无党派议员,由国会特别遴选委员会(Special Select Committee)遴选与推荐,并由总统任命。



The term refers to Members of Parliament (MPs) who are not affiliated with any political party. They are selected and recommended by the Special Select Committee, and appointed by the President.

  • “Nominated Member of Parliament” 的意译。
  • 与民众票选的民选议员不同,官委议员是由公众推荐对社会有杰出贡献的人士,再经国会特别遴选委员会筛选之后,由总统任命并委任。杰出贡献包括有特出的公共服务表现、曾为国家带来殊荣或在某个领域中有出色表现的知名人士。
  • 1990年开始,新加坡设立官委议员议席。官委议员的职责是尽可能广泛地反映独立于党派之外的意见。
  • 国会提名官委议员必须符合以下条件:
    1. 必须是新加坡公民;
    2. 在提名当日的年龄为21岁或以上;
    3. 名字必须出现在当前的选民登记册中;
    4. 在提名当日是新加坡居民,居住的期间总计不少于该日期之前的十年;
    5. 有能力并能积极参加议会的议事程序,至少可以阅读和书写一种语言,即英语、马来语、华语和淡米尔语;
    6. 以前没有被取消成为国会议员的资格。
  • 官委议员的任期为两年,期满有连任的可能。
  • 被提名的官委议员,通常分别来自七个不同的职能领域,商业和工业(business and industry)、专业(the professions)、劳工运动(labour movement)、社会服务机构(social service organisations)、公民和人民部门(civic and people sector)、高等教育机构(tertiary education institutions)、媒体以及艺术和体育(media, arts and sports)组织。
  • The Mandarin term “官委议员” is a paraphrase of the English term “Nominated Member of Parliament” (NMP).

  • Unlike elected MPs, NMPs are first recommended by the public for their outstanding contributions to society. They are then selected by the Special Select Committee before being appointed by the President. To qualify as having performed outstanding contributions, NMP candidates must have excelled in a certain field, brought honour to Singapore or held a record of distinguished public service.

  • The NMP scheme was first introduced in 1990. Its aim was for NMPs to provide a wide range of alternative nonpartisan views. 

  • Candidates must fulfil the following criteria to become an NMP:

  1. Singapore citizen;

  2. be at least 21 years of age on Nomination Day;

  3. name appears in the current register of electors;

  4. resident in Singapore for at least 10 years prior to the day of nomination;

  5. able to actively take part in Parliamentary proceedings and is able to read and write in at least one of the four official languages (English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil);

  6. not disqualified from being a Member of Parliament (MP).

  • NMPs serve a term of two and a half years and may be reappointed after their term ends.

  • NMPs are usually elected from seven different professional sectors, namely business and industry, the professions, labour movement, social service organisations, civic and people sector, tertiary education institutions, and the media, arts and sports. 

Before the debate on the Budget statement for the new financial year began, Members of Parliament also raised nine verbal queries. Of these, two questions on COVID-19 were raised by the NMPs Associate Professor Dr Walter Theseira and Mr Mohamed Irshad. (Lianhe Zaobao, 25/5/2020)