Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.



Pulau Tekong




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Pulau Tekong

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位于新加坡东北部岸外的小岛,如今主要为新加坡武装部队(Singapore Armed Forces)的军训地。



A small island located off the northeastern coast of Singapore, which is presently a military training area for the Singapore Armed Forces.

  • 马来语 “Pulau Tekong” 的音译兼意译。PulauTekong 在马来语中分别指 “岛” 和 “障碍”。
  • 关于 “德光” 一名的由来有不同的说法。若根据其马来语名称的原意,那是因为德光岛堵住了柔佛河(Johor River)的河口,形成了障碍。
  • 1980 年代中期,新加坡政府将大德光岛(Pulau Tekong Besar)和小德光岛(Pulau Tekong Kechil)通过填海方式合并为德光岛,成为新加坡最大的岸外岛屿。
  • 德光岛最初是樟宜和柔佛之间的主要贸易中心。英殖民政府也曾在德光岛上开创橡胶生意,因此早期岛上也有许多橡胶园。
  • 1980 年,有许多马来人、潮州人和客家人居住在岛上,人口约 8,000 人。多数岛民是农夫、渔夫和杂货店的店主。
  • 1990 年,新加坡政府在德光岛上兴建基本军事训练中心(Basic Military Training Centre),成为新加坡武装部队(Singapore Armed Forces)的专属军训地。
  • 2022 年,国家发展部(Ministry of National Development)宣布在德光岛上进行圩田项目工程计划(Pulau Tekong Polder Project)。这项目主要是为了保护岛上周围的土地,避免低洼土地受到海水的冲击。
  • 德光岛有许多极危物种植物,如 “鳄鱼眼木榄”(Bruguiera hainesii)和“秋茄树”(Kandelia candel)等。
  • The Mandarin term “德光岛” is a combination of the transliteration and a paraphrase of the Malay term Pulau Tekong. In Malay, pulau means “island” and tekong means “obstacle”.
  • There are different beliefs regarding the origin of the name “Tekong”. With regards to its original meaning in Malay, Pulau Tekong blocks the mouth of the Johor River, thus forming a barrier to the waterbody.In the mid 1980s, the Singapore Government merged Pulau Tekong Besar and Pulau Tekong Kechil through land reclamation to become Pulau Tekong, forming Singapore’s largest offshore island.
  • Pulau Tekong was initially a major trading centre between Changi and Johor. As the British colonial government once started rubber businesses on Pulau Tekong, there also used to be many rubber plantations on the island in the early days.
  • In 1980, there were many Malays, Teochews, and Hakkas living on the island, forming a population of about 8,000. Most of the islanders were farmers, fishermen, and provision store owners.
  • In 1990, the Singapore Government built the Basic Military Training Centre on Pulau Tekong, which became an exclusive military training area for the Singapore Armed Forces.
  • In 2022, the Ministry of National Development announced the Pulau Tekong Polder Project, which aims to protect the land around the island, preventing low-lying areas from the impacts of the sea.
  • There are many critically endangered plant species on Pulau Tekong, such as Bruguiera hainesii and Kandelia candel.
德光岛(Pulau Tekong)是位于新加坡东北角海域的附属岛屿,地处柔佛河口的交通要道,虽缺乏史料的佐证,但据说 400 年前就有人在此居住。(《联合早报》,31/8/2020)
Pulau Tekong is an island of Singapore, located in the country’s northeastern seas and situated at a strategic waterway at the mouth of the Johor River. Despite a lack of historical evidence, it is believed that the island was already inhabited 400 years ago. (Lianhe Zaobao, 31/8/2020)