This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
A schooling system consisting of a single session of school that starts from around 7:30 am and ends at around 3 pm. The term is mainly used in contrast to the double-session system, which consists of morning and afternoon sessions of school.
In 2009, the Primary Education Review and Implementation Committee recommended all primary schools in Singapore to switch to a single-session system by 2010.
The single-session system was implemented mainly to enhance a well-rounded education, and free up more time for students to participate in co-curricular activities.
The start and end times for single-session schools differ from those of double-session schools. For the latter, the morning session typically starts from 7:30 am and ends at 1:30 pm, while the afternoon session begins at around 12:30 pm and ends at around 6:30 pm.
Although the Ministry of Education has encouraged primary schools to implement the single-session system, there are currently five primary schools which continue to operate in dual sessions. However, after renovation, most of these schools will switch to a single session.
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tè xuǎn xué xiào
zì zhì xué xiào
pǐn gé yǔ gōng mín jiào yù
dà xué xiān xiū bān