Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Stanley Street (colloquially known as ma zhor keng hee tai au)
Stanley Street (colloquially known as ma zhor keng hee tai au)
史坦利街(Stanley Street)的俗称。也称“观音庙戏台后”。
The colloquial name of Stanley Street. Also known in Mandarin as “观音庙戏台后”.
- 福建话 ma zhor keng hee tai au 的意译。
- 史坦利街与直落亚逸街(Telok Ayer Street)是相邻的平行街道。
- 直落亚逸街以百年古庙天福宫(Thian Hock Keng)而闻名。
- 天福宫主祀天上圣母,即妈祖。因此天福宫也俗称为 “妈祖宫”。
- 除了妈祖,由于天福宫的后殿也供奉观音,因此也有人将天福宫俗称为 “观音庙”。
- 天福宫除了是一处宗教场所,也是早期新加坡帮群社会中福建帮的代表与核心机构。
- 早期的天福宫正门对面处原设有一座戏台,主要是为了上演酬神戏而建。戏台于1954年已被拆除,遗址如今归福建会馆所有。
- 由于史坦利街位于天福宫戏台的后方,因此早期人们便俗称该街道为 “妈祖宫戏台后” 或 “观音庙戏台后”。
- 有说法认为史坦利街名称的由来,是为了纪念一位于 1836 年领军扫荡海盗的史坦利上尉。
- The Mandarin term “妈祖宫戏台后” is a paraphrase of the Hokkien dialect term ma zhor keng hee tai au.
- Stanley Street and Telok Ayer Street are adjacent parallel streets.
- Telok Ayer Street is known for Thian Hock Keng, a temple that is more than a century old.
- Thian Hock Keng mainly worships the Holy Mother of Heaven (“天上圣母”) or Mazu (“妈祖”) and is therefore also colloquially known as “妈祖宫” (Mazu Temple).
- In addition to Mazu, the back hall of Thian Hock Keng is used for the worship of Avalokitesvara (Guanyin). Thus, the temple is also colloquially known as “观音庙” (Guanyin Temple).
- Apart from being a place of worship, Thian Hock Keng was also the representative and core organisation of Hokkien gangs in Singapore’s underworld scene in the early days.
- In the early days, a stage existed opposite the main entrance of Thian Hock Keng, which was built mainly for the performing of Chinese operas for the gods. The stage was demolished in 1954 and the site is currently owned by the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan.
- As Stanley Street is located behind the stage of Thian Hock Keng, it was colloquially called “妈祖宫戏台后” (behind the Mazu Temple opera stage) or “观音庙戏台后” (behind the Guanyin Temple opera stage) in the early days.
- It is believed that Stanley Street is named to commemorate a Captain Stanley who led a campaign against pirates in 1836.