Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.


yu sheng



Food / Plants

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yu sheng

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Food / Plants






A dish made with raw fish fillet, vegetables and various seasonings, which is usually enjoyed during Chinese New Year.

  • 在广州沿岸一带,渔夫们一般在农历新年初七(人日),将捕获的鲜鱼进行烹饪,再加上一些菜和调味料后享用。
  • 这道源自广州的美食,据说是随着十九世纪末的移民浪潮,由广东人和潮州人传入新加坡。
  • 1960年代以前,“鱼生”在新加坡据说分为广东人和潮州人的菜式。广东人的鱼生食材包括鱼、菜和调味料,一般在农历新年初七享用。潮州人的鱼生,一般用包菜包裹干鱼,加上芝麻并沾上酱料,并在农历新年期间享用。
  • 后来鱼生更普遍称为“捞鱼生”。新加坡广东人在捞鱼生时会喊出吉祥语“捞起”,所以这道在新年佳节享用的美食也被称为lou hei / lo hei,就是广东话(广州话、粤语)“捞起”的意思。
  • On the seventh day of Chinese New Year (known as People’s Day), fishermen in the coastal areas of Guangzhou usually cook the fresh fish they have caught and enjoy them after adding some vegetables and seasonings.
  • Originating from Guangzhou, this dish was said to be introduced to Singapore by the Cantonese and Teochew during large-scale Chinese immigration in the nineteenth century.
  • Before the 1960s, it was said that “Yu Sheng” had both Cantonese and Teochew versions. Cantonese Yu Sheng is made with fish, vegetables and seasonings, and is generally enjoyed on the seventh day of Chinese New Year. Meanwhile, Teochew Yu Sheng is usually prepared by wrapping dried fish with cabbage and adding sesame, dipped in sauce and enjoyed during Chinese New Year.
  • Today, Yu Sheng is more commonly known as “Lao Yu Sheng” (tossing Yu Sheng). While tossing the Yu Sheng, Cantonese people in Singapore will say the auspicious phrase “lou hei” out loud. Therefore, this Chinese New Year dish is also known as “lou hei /
You must dress up in proper attire when tossing Yu Sheng at restaurants. However, there is less concern when doing so in coffee shops. You can even wear shorts, T-shirt and slippers to the event, and save the hassle of travelling to the restaurant by taxi, MRT or bus to toss Yu Sheng! (Lianhe Wanbao, 21/2/2018)

  • 1964年,四名厨师研发了“七彩鱼生”,这道创意料理不仅为鱼生增添美味和色彩,也有吉祥的寓意,适合在农历新年享用。其中的食材包括象征年年有余的生鱼片、象征步步高升的白萝卜丝、象征鸿运当头的红萝卜丝、象征青春永驻的青萝卜丝、象征遍地黄金的油炸薄脆、象征金银满屋的芝麻和花生碎、象征五福临门的五香粉和胡椒粉、象征大吉大利的青柠檬和柚子肉、象征甜甜蜜蜜的酸梅酱和象征财源滚滚的油。


  • In 1964, four chefs invented “七彩鱼生” (Rainbow Yu Sheng). This creative dish not only adds flavour and colour to Yu Sheng, but also has auspicious meanings, making it suitable for enjoyment during Chinese New Year. This dish is made from various ingredients, including raw fish fillet symbolising “abundance throughout the year”; white radish symbolising “a steady rise to high places”; carrot symbolising “good luck approaching”; green radish symbolising “forever youthful”; golden crispy bites symbolising “gold all over the ground”; sesame and peanuts symbolising “a house filled with gold and silver”; five-spice and pepper powder symbolising “five blessings coming to the doorstep”; lime and pomelo symbolising “good luck and great profit”; sour plum sauce symbolising “sweetness”; and oil symbolising “raking in fortune”.
