Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.

bookmaker (bookie)



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bookmaker (bookie)

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A person who engages in illegal gambling or collects bets illegally.

  • 英语“bookie”的音译。
  • 开盘收注的庄家在英语为“bookmaker”, 简称“bookie”。原本“bookmaker”的翻译为“造书者”。
  • 关于卜基这一行业,其中一个说法是它可能与20世纪初在英国流行的赛马赌马活动有关。
  • “造书者”与赌博的关系,则有几种说法,一是赌客们将投注的资料记录在一本小簿子,专注的表情像是在制造书本。另一说法是,因为收注的生意太好了,用来记录赌注的书簿因此大量生产,造成“造书”的现象。
  • 至于人们为何会把“造书者”称为“卜基”,也有不同说法。其一是古人通过烧龟壳牛骨来辨测凶吉,称为“卜”,事物的根底为“基”,卜基被认为拥有预测的功能。其二是,华人认为“书”与“输”谐音,非常不吉利,所以偏向“卜基”而不是“造书”的称呼。
  • 对于卜基从事的非法下注和收注活动,新加坡政府采取严厉的措施制止。根据赌注法令(Betting Act),任何向非法赌博业者下注的人,若罪成可被判罚款最高新币5,000元或长达六个月监禁,或两者兼施。收注人一旦罪成,可面临新币20,000至200,0000元罚款和不超过五年的刑期。
  • 网络的普遍使用也让网上下注的情况日益严重。对此,远程赌博令(Remote Gambling Act)于2015年二月生效,除了新加坡博彩公司和新加坡赛马公会,其余的赌博网站都是违法的。涉及远程赌博者,无论是赌客、中介或经营者,均属犯法。
  • The Mandarin term “卜基” is a transliteration of the English word “bookie”.
  • A bookmaker, or bookie, is a person whose job is to collect bets, calculate odds, and pay out winnings. It was originally translated into Chinese as “造书者” (literally, “a person who produces books”).
  • Bookmakers or bookies are believed to have originated in the world of horse racing and betting activities, which were popular in the United Kingdom in the early 20th century.
  • There are several explanations for the origin of the term “bookmaker” and its connection to gambling. One belief is that it comes from the action of gamblers and bet collectors recording details of their bets in a book or ledger. Another belief is that a due to the sheer volume of bets taking place, a large number of books had to be made to record them.
  • The use of “卜基” to refer to bookies has been explained in various ways. One belief is that the character “卜” is used because of its relation to the ancient form of divination using oracle bones, while the character “基” refers to “the basis of all things”, reflecting the belief that bookies are able to predict the future. Another explanation is that this term was preferred over “造书者” because the character “书” is pronounced the same as “输” (“to lose”), which was thought to be inauspicious.
  • The Government takes strict measures to stop bookies from engaging in illegal gambling operations and betting. Under the Betting Act, anyone who places a bet with illegal gambling operators can be fined an amount not exceeding S$5,000 or sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or both. If found guilty, any person who accepts bets shall be
    liable to a fine of not less than S$20,000 and not more than S$200,000 and shall be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.
  • The widespread use of the internet has worsened the problem of online betting. To tackle the issue, the Government implemented the Remote Gambling Act, which has been in effect since February 2015. Apart from those provided by Singapore Pools and the Singapore Turf Club, any other remote gambling activities are deemed illegal. Anyone found to be involved in such activities, including gamblers, betting intermediaries and operators, will be deemed to have committed a crime.
Throngs of people would gather every weekend at the pavilions, coffee shops and hawker centres at Jurong East Street 31, where bookies would brazenly collect illegal bets near the Turf Club’s betting outlets. (Shin Min Daily News, 26/4/2018)



赌外围马 (Malaysia, Hong Kong), 外围马集团 (Malaysia, Hong Kong)
