This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
位于新加坡市中心俗称“大坡”的地区,早年新加坡华人的聚居地。牛车水的范围指的是北起克罗士街(Cross Street),南达恭锡路(Keong Saik Road),东临桥南路(South Bridge Road),西至新桥路(New Bridge Road)的一整片地段。
Situated in the “Da-po” area in Singapore’s city centre, Chinatown is the place where early Chinese immigrants lived. It is demarcated by Cross Street on the north, Keong Saik Road on the south, South Bridge Road on the east and New Bridge Road on the west. The Mandarin name literally translates as “牛车水” (bullock cart water).
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zhèng fǔ dà shà qián dà cǎo chǎng
sì pái pǔ
huáng jiā shān
jiù fú tè chē chǎng