Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.



Chinese Garden




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Chinese Garden

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Photo courtesy of Jukkabrother (Wikimedia Commons)








A Chinese-themed garden in Singapore. Also known in Mandarin as "中国花园".

  • 裕华园是新加坡著名的旅游景点之一,位于新加坡西部裕廊镇裕廊东(Jurong East)与裕华园(Chinese Garden)两个地铁站之间。裕华园建在裕廊湖(Jurong Lake)上,四面环水。
  • 裕华园于1975年建成,占地13.5公顷,是由台湾建筑师虞曰镇教授效仿中国北宋的宫廷建筑风格与景观设计而成的园林式建筑群,主要根据中国古代亭、台、楼、阁的特点建成。
  • 早前裕华园由裕廊集团(Jurong Town Corporation)管理,2016年3月交由国家公园局(National Parks Board,简称NParks)管理。
  • 从2019年5月31日至2021年,裕华园暂时关闭进行翻新。在翻新过程中,除了保留一些原有的建筑,也增设一些新的景点和景致。
  • 在裕廊湖区(Jurong Lake District)的发展蓝图之下,裕华园将并入裕廊湖花园(Jurong Lake Garden)的其中一个花园。
  • The Chinese Garden is located in Jurong in the western part of Singapore. The famous tourist attraction is situated between the Jurong East and Chinese Garden MRT stations. It was built on Jurong Lake and is surrounded by water.
  • Completed in 1975, the 13.5-hectare Chinese Garden was designed by Professor Yu Yuen-Chen, a Taiwanese architect. The garden's design was modelled on the imperial architecture style and landscape design of China’s Northern Song Dynasty, besides incorporating the unique architectural features of traditional Chinese pavilions, towers and pagodas.
  • In March 2016, the National Parks Board (NParks) took over the management of the Chinese Garden from the Jurong Town Corporation.
  • The Chinese Garden is temporarily closed for redevelopment from 31 May 2019 until 2021. Apart from preserving some of the original structures, new attractions and sceneries will also be added.
  • Under the Jurong Lake District’s development blueprint, the Chinese Garden will become part of the Jurong Lake Garden.

Residents who often visit the Chinese Garden will be familiar with the white and orange cat that resides in that area. Elderly residents will stop to chat with it on their morning walks, while children visiting the park on the weekends will also play with it. (Lianhe Zaobao, 10/06/2019)




  • 裕华园有约30多处景点,园内的主要景观有白虹桥、鱼乐院、蕴秀园等:
  1. 白虹桥:一座66公尺长、13孔的白石桥,是效仿北京颐和园的十七拱桥而建成的。
  2. 鱼乐院:恰似苏州园林,院中的水池放养着许多观赏鱼,院中有一座名为“柳絮荷风”的湖,湖中开满荷花。
  3. 盆景园或蕴秀园:面积约5,800平方公尺,主要展出由中国、日本和马来西亚等国进口的盆栽。
  4. 入云塔:一座44.2公尺高,六角形七层的宝塔,塔前有孔子、屈原、关羽、花木兰、岳飞、文天祥、郑和及林则徐的雕像。
  5. 丰园:在入云塔旁边,园内有十二生肖的石雕和一条人工小溪。
  6. 百草园:种植各种香草的花园。
  7. 双塔:分别名为“披云阁”和“延月楼”。



  • The Chinese Garden is home to close to 30 attractions, including the White Rainbow Bridge, Fish Paradise and Bonsai Garden:
  1.  White Rainbow Bridge: A 66-metre-long, 13-arch bridge made of white stone, modelled after the 17-arch bridge in Beijing's Summer Palace
  2. Fish Paradise: Resembling the classical gardens of Suzhou, the courtyard consists of a pond filled with ornamental fish, and a lake that has lotus flowers in bloom
  3. Bonsai Garden: The garden covers an area of about 5,800 square metres and mainly displays bonsai plants imported from countries such as China, Japan, and MalaysiaCloud Pagoda: A 44.2-metre high, hexagonal seven-storey pagoda with statues of Confucius, Qu Yuan, Guan Yu, Hua Mulan, Yue Fei, Wen Tianxiang, Zheng He, and Lin Zexu in front of it.
  4. Garden of Abundance: Situated next to the Cloud Pagoda, the garden is home to stone sculptures of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals and a manmade stream.
  5. Edible Garden: A garden where herbs of all types are grown.
  6. Twin Pagodas: Namely the Cloud-Wrapped Pavilion and Moon-Receiving Tower. 
