Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Dependents’ Protection Scheme (DPS)
Dependents’ Protection Scheme (DPS)
为 16 至 65 岁以下的公积金会员设立的定期人寿保险项目。
A term life insurance scheme for Central Provident Fund (CPF) members aged 16 to 65.
- 英语 “Dependants’ Protection Scheme ” 的意译。
- 中央公积金局(Central Provident Fund Board)于 1989 年推出家属保障计划。
- 若投保人在投保期间不幸离世、身患重症或面临永久性残疾,他们或他们的家人将获得一笔救助金,帮助他们度过艰难的时期。
- 此项目为选择退出式,所有公积金会员都会自动被列入投保项目内。若会员不想继续投保,他们需向保险公司提交终止保单的申请。
- 2021 年 4 月 1 日起,家属保障计划只由大东方人寿保险(Great Eastern Life)承保,为期 5 年。
- 这项计划的保费金额介于 $18 至 $298 之间,每月定期从会员的公积金账户扣除。若公积金户头里的余额不足,会员需以现金还清剩下的金额。
- 会员每月所需支付的保费根据其年龄而定。年龄越大,所需支付的保费就越高。
- 2021 年起,会员能受保的最高年龄从 60 岁调涨至 65 岁。
- 60 岁及以下的会员享有最高 70,000 的投保金额。60 岁以上至 65 岁的会员则享有最高 55,000 的投保金额。
- The Mandarin term “家属保障计划” is a paraphrase of the English term “Dependants’ Protection Scheme”.
- The CPF Board launched the Dependants’ Protection Scheme (DPS) in 1989.
- If the policyholders pass away, suffer serious illness, or become permanently disabled during the policy period, they or their family members will receive a lump sum to help them tide through the difficult period.
- As this scheme is on an opt-out basis, all CPF members are automatically insured under the policy. If members wish to opt out, they need to submit an application to the insurance company to terminate the policy.
- From 1 April 2021, the DPS is only underwritten by Great Eastern Life for a period of 5 years.
- The premium for this scheme is between $18 and $298, which will be deducted from the member’s CPF account monthly. If the CPF account does not have sufficient funds, the member must pay the remaining amount in cash.
- The monthly premium is determined by the age of the member and increases with age.
- From 2021, the maximum age for policyholders was raised from 60 to 65.
- Members aged 60 and below enjoy a maximum insured amount of $70,000, while those aged between 60 to 65 enjoy a maximum insured amount of $55,000.
明年 4 月起,投保家属保障计划的公积金会员投保额将增加,多数会员的保费将调低,会员可受保的年龄也从 60 岁提高到 65 岁。(《联合早报》,3/10/2020)
From April next year, the insured amount for CPF members under the DPS will be increased, while the premiums for most members will be reduced.The age limit for policyholders raised from 60 to 65. (Lianhe Zaobao, 3/10/2020)