Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
National Trades Union Congress(NTUC)

Communities / Organisations
National Trades Union Congress(NTUC)

Communities / Organisations
The national union of trade workers in Singapore. The Mandarin term can also be abbreviated to “职总”.
- 职工总会于1961年成立,其前身为1951年成立的新加坡职工总会(Singapore Trade Union Congress, STUC)。
- 1961年,执政党人民行动党出现人事变动,新加坡职工总会在同年解散。支持人民行动党的职总委员,于同年9月成立了全国职工总会(National Trades Union Congress)。
- 1970年代,职总成立了职总社会企业,包括职总英康(NTUC Income)、职总康福(NTUC Comfort),以及后来的职总消费合作社(前身为NTUC Welcome),为工人提供负担得起的保险,调节国人的生活费。
- 职总也支持政府的经济政策,随着劳动密集型工业的逐渐式微,没接受基本教育的职工面临失业的问题。为此,职工运动为这些职工开课培训,为了同时照顾到职工的家庭,职总也在组屋与企业地区设立托儿所设施。
- 1990年,职总成立了新加坡劳工研究学院(Singapore Institute of Labour Studies,简称SILS)。2002年,该学院改名为王鼎昌劳工研究学院( Ong Teng Cheong Labour Institute),2009年又与职总领袖培育署合并,改名为王鼎昌工运领袖学院(Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute,简称OTCi)。
- 2008年,职总属下的就业与职能培训中心 (Employment and Employability Institute, e2i) 开始为求职者提供训练与就业机会。
The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) was established in 1961.It was formerly known as the Singapore Trade Union Congress (STUC), which was established in 1951.
In 1961, there was personnel movement in the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP), which resulted in the dissolution of the STUC. Members who supported the PAP went on to establish the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) in September that year.
In the 1970s, NTUC established various social enterprises, such as NTUC Income, NTUC Comfort, and NTUC Fairprice (formerly known as NTUC Welcome), to provide workers with affordable insurance and ensure that they have a lower cost of living.
NTUC also supports the government’s economic policies. With the gradual decline in labour-intensive industries, workers without basic education faced employment issues. Thus, the labour movement offered training classes for such workers and established childcare facilities in HDB blocks and office areas for the welfare of their families.
In 1990, NTUC established the Singapore Institute of Labour Studies (SILS), which was later renamed the Ong Teng Cheong Labour Institute in 2002. It was then merged with the NTUC Leadership Training Institute and renamed once more to the Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute (otherwise known as the OTCi).
In 2008, NTUC officially launched the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i), which provides training and job opportunities to job seekers.
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Modernisation Seminar, NTUC will hold an exhibition at the National Museum of Singapore from today onwards. The exhibition introduces the evolution and development of the trade union in Singapore, as well as the figures who have contributed greatly to the labour movement. (Lianhe Zaobao, 04/07/2019)